Saturday 23 March 2024

Soulful Saturday

We thank you, Loyal Readers, for your wishes and condolences. We know that grief is shared, and all of you have lost loved kitties in similar ways, and it all feels too much to bear. We kitties perhaps cope better than the humans. Jaava has been very vocal with her displeasure about recent events, and has been making sure Äiti is kept on track with our routines. She is indeed the matriarch of the Felocracy - Jaava that is, not Äiti! She is staff.

I have been pondering the changes in the kingdom. Kalle and I are spending more time out of the bedroom - all fully supervised in case there's a bit of a bitey or so. There are some comfy beddies downstairs, and I appreciate these. Kalle is a bit more shy - he and Otso have perhaps a need to sort out how they will communicate. Whenever the Felcoracy membership changes a little, there are subtle shifts in the dynamic.

Here is the weekend jigsaw - enjoy!


Wednesday 20 March 2024

Sad, sad Wednesday

We are devastated to report that Sampo has left the Felocracy, and gone to meet Those Who Have Gone Before.  He was far too young for this, and he is greatly missed.  Äiti is very upset to lose another young mancat before their time.

Recently he had lost some weight - he had been rather, erm muscular - but this loss became rapid about two weeks ago. X-rays showed a mysterious mass and surgery revealed this to be a huge tumor in his stomach (which is rare). Given its size, it was far kinder to not allow him to wake from the surgery.  In his last few days Sampo was extremely happy and playful - thanks to ystävämme eläinlääkäri and some good drugs to help his appetite!  He did not suffer and for Äiti that is the most important thing. She is so glad that on his last day his breeder and friend came to see him and he played like pikku pentu, and purred loudly.

This was one of the photos taken the day before he left us. Apart from being too thin, it was hard to believe what nastiness was inside him.

And this was the last picture taken of him, washing his Great Uncle Jura's ear in a sunpuddle.

Äiti will never forget the moment you were born - she received a message on her phone and photo of you, 'brown boy'. yes, she was in the middle of teaching a class but some things are more important!

Fly free, Sampo. You were a very, very special mancat. 

Saturday 9 March 2024

Saturday Slap Down

'We got him! Now Sampo you keep a look out while I make sure Papu stays still.´' 

Well, a little girlcat can dream, can't she! Papu will surely do whatever he wants - when he wakes up.

Here's the jigsaw. Enjoy.

previewMesi Sampo Papu

Saturday 2 March 2024

Smart Saturday

 Nothing smarter than a handsome sphynx.

And maybe you can admire me further as you do the jigsaw.

Thursday 29 February 2024

Thursday Report

 We thank you for your support for Kalle. He is recovering from surgery and will hopefully have no more nasty eye ulcers.

He will have his stitches removed next week. The smart blue bandage has already been removed!

Friday 23 February 2024

Saturday Snaps

We are posting by command of a most Loyal Reader, ystävämme eläinlääkäri. It's about time Äiti got off her butt and obeyed us as well! All is well here, with a few frustrations. For instance, Papu is pretty desperate to be outside killing mousies.

He realises that actually looking cute is a good interim activity.


Otso is working out how to wreck Äiti's jigsaw hobby.

And Sampo is owning the peacock feather with his murder mitts. 

And Kalle is enjoying night time snuggles. He is continuing to have eye problems and next week he will have some surgery to correct his eyelids which are rolling under. He will be far more comfortable when this is done - poor lad was probably born with this problem and it is only now that it is diagnosed because it has taken a long time to calm down with ointment since he arrived with us.  So paws crossed for his beady eyes!

Sunday 11 February 2024

Felocracy Update

We thank you kindly for all the wishes. We are good - Äiti has had a bit of a rough time with the Old Black Dog but seems to be pulling herself out into the world a little more. We're negotiating the blog's future and I have to report that claws up the nostril at 4 am is not a technique that seems to be encouraging her to blog in. Pffft.  I am pondering other tactics.

We have freezing temperature outside and Papu is unhappy as he is desperate to kill something but is not wanting to freeze his paw pads off. Otso, however, has more sisu, and indulges the desire of every suomalainen mies (Finnish man) to pee outside in the snow.

And we are delighted to present Kalle, with his eyes wide open.  He is still being treated for his poorly eyes and alllergies.